People Are Shocked To Discover The Real Purpose Of The Middle Part On Scissors

There are so many everyday objects we use without ever stopping to wonder about the small design details they might include.

But a Reddit thread about scissors has made it clear that some of these overlooked features deserve a closer look.

Scissors are one of those tools most of us use frequently, whether in the kitchen, the office, or for crafts.

While scissors come in all shapes and sizes, kitchen scissors often have a particular design that includes jagged metal edges on the center of each handle.

Because these jagged edges are on the handle rather than near the blade, it’s easy to ignore them.

After all, most of us are just focused on cutting what needs to be cut and moving on with our day.

However, as the new year began, one curious Reddit user decided to bring this feature into the spotlight by posting a question on the ‘r/DoesAnyoneKnow’ Reddit thread.

On January 1, they shared a photo of their scissors and asked: “Does anyone know what this part of the scissors are for?”

The metal teeth feature in the middle of scissorsGetty Stock Photo
It turns out, plenty of people do know.

Responses quickly poured in from other Reddit users, who eagerly explained the many uses of this overlooked feature.

As it turns out, those jagged edges are far more versatile than you might expect.

Removing bottle lids

If you’ve ever struggled with a stubborn bottle or jar lid that just won’t budge, the metal teeth in the middle of a pair of scissors might be your new best friend.

These jagged edges can give you the grip you need to loosen even the tightest of lids.

Of course, one user did express some hesitation, comparing it to a “wine bottle opener with knife blades sticking out at random angles.”

However, others were quick to reassure them that as long as the blades are pointed away from you and you handle the scissors carefully, it’s perfectly safe.

This person looks like they could use some scissorsGetty Stock Photo

Cracking nuts

Now that the holidays are behind us, it might be time to put away those decorative nutcrackers.

But that doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying nuts!

The middle section of scissors has been described as an ideal tool for cracking open nut shells.

One Redditor cleverly summed it up by saying: “Everything’s a nut cracker if you try hard enough.”

The grips in the center of the scissors can crack nutsGetty Stock Photo

Breaking bones and claws

Don’t worry—this isn’t as grim as it sounds! We’re talking about breaking down meat bones, like when you’re trying to fit a chicken or turkey carcass into a pot to make stock.

The middle part of the scissors can help you crack through tough bones and claws, making it a surprisingly handy tool for food prep.

One Redditor even shared another culinary use, adding: “Also, they are great for cracking lobster claws.”

You’d need a strong tool for those clawsGetty Stock Photo

Some surprising uses

While many Reddit users were already aware of the scissors’ use for cracking nuts or removing bottle lids, some suggestions completely caught people off guard.

One person, amazed by a new idea, said: “What the f**k!?!? You have changed my life!!” after learning that the jagged edges can also be used to remove the tops from boiled eggs.

Others chimed in with even more creative suggestions, like using the scissors as a garlic crusher or for cutting through metal wire.

So the next time you grab your scissors, keep these tips in mind—you might find yourself using them in ways you never imagined!