Times Overconfident People Were Absolutely Certain — And Completely Wrong

The Evils Of Sunscreen And History Class

Source: George Washington’s Skin Cancer

Photo: u/BetterBagelBabe Reddit

‘Milk Isn’t Dairy’

Photo: u/romeovf Reddit

‘It’s A Direction’

Photo: u/1Hate17Here Reddit

‘They Didn’t Exist In Biblical Days’

Photo: u/Jauxson Reddit

Path To The Devil Apparently Starts With Safety Harnesses

Photo: TwitterTwitter

Perhaps Read A Few More Comics? Watch A Few More Movies?

Photo: u/OkWondera Reddit

This Bold Ye Claim

Photo: u/doriangreat Reddit

American History 101

Photo: TwitterTwitter

‘Red Blood Cells Are Not Real Cells’

Photo: u/bumblebleebug Reddit

No. No It Is Not.

Photo: u/seanbentley441 Reddit

Queen Of Diamonds, Perhaps?

Photo: TwitterTwitter

…Read That Again

Photo: u/SSBGOGETA66 Reddit

Evidence To The Contrary

Photo: u/ExactlySortaReddit

There’s A Twist In There

Photo: TwitterTwitterTwitter

Where Wolf?

Photo: u/seanbentley441 Reddit

According To The Bible, The Flintstones Is Fact

Photo: TwitterTwitterReddit

A Smug Man That REALLY Can’t Take Being Proved Wrong

Photo: u/jay_em_dee Reddit

Christmas and Reindeers

Photo: BassesBestReddit

Somebody Please Stop Her

Photo: TwitterTwitterTwitter

Happy Passover (Or Whatever)

Photo: u/Flupox Reddit

The Culture

Photo: N4TETHAGR8Reddit

Simple Math Right?

Photo: dengoy-pxReddit

Not Quite Dartmouth

Photo: u/KnopeICant Reddit

Alaska Is A Country

Photo: SpocktorWho83Reddit