Passenger’s Eerie Photo On A Plane Has Everyone Spooked Until They Figure It Out

A strange photo taken on a plane has left people completely baffled, sparking wild speculation about whether it shows an alien casually sitting in economy class. The unsettling image has taken the internet by storm.

Countless funny and outlandish theories have emerged as people try to figure out what exactly the photo is showing. But don’t worry, as eerie as it looks, there is a logical explanation behind it.

People are puzzled after a person posted a picture of what appears to be an ‘alien’ riding economy on a planeX/@‌bluemupp
Someone shared the now-famous picture on Twitter, captioning it: “I ALMOST LANDED THIS PLANE MYSELF.”

At first glance, the image appears to show a hooded alien with a single, shiny black eye staring directly at the camera. The way it seems to be gawking at the passenger who snapped the photo only adds to the unsettling vibe.

Of course, the internet didn’t hold back in the comments. One user shared a gif of the woman who famously claimed someone on her plane wasn’t real, and added: “Maybe that’s who she was talking about.”

If you need a refresher, that woman went viral earlier this year after shouting at passengers and crew that the plane wasn’t safe because someone at the back of it wasn’t real. She became an instant meme. Remember her? Here’s a recap:

During her now-infamous rant, she said: “You can say whatever you want, I’m telling you I’m getting the f*** off and there’s a reason why I’m getting the f*** off and everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it, I don’t give two f***s.”

And of course, she didn’t stop there: “But I am telling you right now that motherf***** back there is not real!”

In case you missed the rest of her tirade, she also declared: “And you can sit on this plane and you can die with him or not… I’m not going to.”

Back in the Twitter comments, someone referenced her viral meltdown with a playful comment: “The way I would crash out would have y’all thinking I’m worse than that white lady crashing out on that plane. I’m bout to crash out rn in fact.”

Eventually, someone asked the original poster what they were actually looking at. The response? “That mf not from here bro, idek what it is.”



Another person chimed in with their own dramatic reaction: “I woulda jumped out.”

But despite all the guesses, nobody seemed any closer to figuring out what this mysterious “alien” really was.

One frustrated commenter asked: “Can someone explain what this is…positioned my phone all round but still can’t figure out what it is.”


Finally, someone dropped the answer and cleared up the mystery, explaining: “Black Earbuds with a hair strand over the ear.. hoodie over the face.”

When you hear the explanation, it suddenly seems so obvious. Still, let’s face it—an alien on a plane makes for a much more entertaining story, doesn’t it?