We can all agree that parkour free runners—an entirely other type of thrill-seeker—climb enormous buildings with little more than sheer willpower and optimistic thinking.
Fortunately, the man lived to tell the tale, and the terrifying bodycam clip was later shared to YouTube.

He then completely loses his footing and tumbles down the building’s side before his lightning-fast reflexes cause him to cling to the wires for dear life as he climbs the wall.
The two can then be heard laughing hysterically as they process what just happened.

One YouTube user penned: “I think he finally found that proper adrenaline rush he was looking for.”
“Is anyone else impressed at how strong those wires are?” asked a second. “I guess they both messed up his attempt and saved his life at the same time.”
Talk about having two goals.
A second adrenaline junkie added: “As someone who also came close to falling to his death rock climbing, I understand that hysterical laughter at the end when you reach safety.”
“He’s SO lucky his friends were there to save him,” pointed out a fifth. “Imagine if he did this alone…”
The internet clearly couldn’t wait to express its thoughts on the harrowing journey. One person suggested: “If you want an adrenaline rush, just go to the gym…”
A final user claimed: “One thing is for sure, he won’t do it again.”